가장 인기 많은 What about Vertigo - I hate heights? What do I bring on a morning, hot air ballooning? 모두보기 3 질문들 상품권 How do I redeem my Gift Voucher? How much notice to I have to give to book my travel date? 골드 코스트 특유의 What’s the difference between a 30 minute & 60 minute flight? Which is better? Can we go to the launch site? Can our friends/family meet us at launch site to watch? 브리즈번 특유의 How do they fly? If I have a 1pm flight from Brisbane Airport, will I be able to go Hot Air Ballooning the same morning? 모두보기 4 질문들 케언즈 특정 What can you do to make my marriage proposal special? Can you drop us off at Cairns International Airport after our Hot Air Balloon ride, before 10am? 모두보기 3 질문들 포트 더글라스 특유의 What’s the difference between a 30 minute & 60 minute flight? Which is better? Do you fly over Port Douglas?